Monday, January 23, 2017


What is your passion and why it’s a passion of yours?
I like clothes and shoes and stuff like that so naturally I’d like to start my own clothesline. Picking an outfit takes time and I’d like to think i’m good at it. To wear your own clothes and also have fashion icon wear them would be dope.
How can you make this passion your profession?
With dedication and hard work I can make this happen. I would buy materials for my clothes and have some people make the samples and start selling for some profit. With patience this can become my profession.
What education is required?
I don’t have any education requirements. All I need is simple math and seed money to buy my materials. I would also need to design my company logo and create a name but that would be easy.
What skills, talents, and attitudes are required?
To do this you would need to know how to sketch designs, you would need good fashion sense, and more. You also need to know how to design clothes and be a good people person.
Image result for supremeImage result for ralph lauren
Image result for louis vuitton

Favorite Brands
I am willing to put in the work for this to become my full time job. To make clothes really is something I would like to do and I would put hard work and dedication to do it.

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